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There is a huge difference between safety and safety buy-in. This 3-part webinar series is designed for fleet operations and safety leaders to help their organizations get better buy-in to safety.

Many innovative fleet management and safety leaders are already considering or implementing AI Video dash cams with telematics to run a best-in-class fleet safety program. To be truly successful, they not only need to evaluate and select the right technology platform, but also utilize their soft skills in organization and management to have complete organization-wide buy-in.

Senior Director of Product Marketing, IntelliShift

Cara Suarez

Our Speakers

Don't make your drivers dread fleet safety meetings and coaching sessions. Valuable coaching sessions need to inspire drivers. Safety meetings should create a desire for employees to step up and buy-in to safety as a lifestyle choice - not a compliance program.

 Join this webinar for tips and best practices for getting the buy-in of your employees for your safety strategy. 

Step 3: Get Employee Buy-In 

Kevin Burns

Best-selling author, PeopleWork: The Human Touch in Workplace Safety

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Step 3: Get Employee Buy-In